巴里(罗里·金尼尔 Rory Kinnear 饰)是小镇上的教区议员,生前的他再也无法想到的是,自己的意外猝死会在风平浪静的小镇里掀起怎样的狂澜。霍华德(迈克尔·刚本 Michael Gambon 饰)和雪莉(朱莉娅·麦肯茨 Julia McKenzie 饰)是镇上的模范夫妻、西蒙(Richard Glover 饰)是个喜欢在老婆和孩子身上发泄怒火的暴力狂、沃尔校长(西蒙·迈克伯尼 Simon McBurney 饰)整日神经兮兮,每一个人都觉得自己是巴里所留下的职位的最佳继承者,并做好了十足的准备,为了得到他们所想要的东西而争得你死我活。 在名为“从地”的贫民区里,被小镇居民们视为眼中钉肉中刺的人们依旧过着日复一日的困苦生活,殊不知,一个意在将他们彻底“铲除”的计划正在悄悄酝酿。
Barbara Gilbert刚获得助产士资格到Nonnatus修道院上班,便急于证明自己的能力。然而,在一次深夜酒会上,她出了糗。出师不利令她万分沮丧,而很快一位新晋妈妈在喂养小孩遇到困难时,她提供的巧妙方案为她赢得了所有同事的尊敬。同时,一户人家因严重疏于照看而致使孩子们身体状况每况愈下,这让Trixie费了不少心,成为她当助产士以来最劳心的一次经历。看到自己心爱的女人竭力帮助孩子们恢复身体健康、令他们的生活充满欢乐,Tom对Trixie钦佩不已。 而Shelagh发现,手术室和家庭都非常需要她。为了调和两者之间的关系,Turner一家达成了家庭协议,这一协议突破了20世纪50年代的固有家庭模式。
《唐顿庄园》第六季将是它的最后一季。此前,剧集的联合制作人盖瑞斯·尼姆在接受采访时就表示,该剧会在第六季后“随时剧终”,如今这一言论最终成为现实。 《唐顿庄园》从2010年开播至今,一直是英国观众非常喜爱的作品,但随着剧情拉长,收视率已经大不如前,这也是该剧选择剧终的其中一个原因,不过对于普遍偏短的英剧来说,《唐顿庄园》坚持到六季已经是个不小的规模了。 据报道,《唐顿庄园》的不少演员合约都只签到了第六季,并且有很多主创都已经开始准备投入新作品的创作中去了。尤其是编剧兼制作人朱利安·费罗斯,早在几年前就已经开始准备自己的NBC新剧《流金岁月》,但一直碍于《唐顿庄园》的续订而没能抽出身来,现在也能够全身心的投入到新剧的制作。
1827年,泰晤士河警察局的高级警督、参加过滑铁卢战役的老兵John Marlott在一次抓捕行动后,站在河岸边,一声尖利的警哨吸引了他的注意——水面上漂浮着一个小型物体。Marlott走近后,发现那...
This Is England '90 is an upcoming British TV drama series written by Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne. A spin-off from the 2006 film This Is England, it is also a sequel to the series This Is England '86 and This Is England '88. This Is England '90, was originally due in late 2012, but in July 2012, director Shane Meadows announced that the production had been put on hold in orde...
A university professor who had been working as a translator at the Nuremberg trials is stabbed to death. As Foyle investigates, he delves into the world of international oil politics and corrupt Nazi businessmen. Sam assists the murder inquiry by going undercover, despite her pregnancy.
Episode 2: Trespass
As Britain debates the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, the son of a wealthy Jewish businessman is assaulted. The flames of anti-Semitism have recently been fanned in London by Charles Lucas, a right-wing writer, and Foyle suspects the attack was racially motivated.
Episode 3: Elise
After an attempt on Hilda Pierce's life, Foyle scrutinizes her work for SOE during the war. Could this be related to the deaths of nine SOE agents in France and rumors of a traitor called Plato?
Each enthralling episode is set against the breathtaking Northumberland countryside and is enhanced by the captivating performance of Brenda Blethyn as this shambolic yet brilliant detective.
Inspired by the best selling novels, Vera, created by renowned crime writer Ann Cleeves. The fifth series sees the return of Jon Morrison as D.C Kenny Lockhart, Cush Jumbo as D.C. Bethany Whelan, Kingsley Ben-Adir as pathologist Marcus Summer, Riley Jones as D.C. Mark Edwards and welcomes Lisa Hammond as Intelligence Officer, Helen Milton, the newest recruit to Vera's team.