布兰顿(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)是纽约衣着光鲜的白领。他酷爱成人电影,习惯自慰,并寻花问柳。不过,他与妹妹希西(凯瑞?穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)的关系却忽冷忽热。希西总给他电话留言,他却总是避之不及。然而,当希西搬来与他同住 ,他又表现出特别的关心。布兰顿和上司一同去听希西的演唱,结果上司被她的风姿所打动,而他却沉浸在她的歌声中潸然泪下。在妹妹面前,布兰顿表现的无所谓,而上司却大胆追求。这令布兰顿极为羞耻。某日,上司在与家人视频通话后,开始斥责布兰顿往电脑硬盘塞满了成人电影,称之为耻辱。气急败坏的布兰顿却对妹妹发火,令她十分伤心。布兰顿曾约会公司的黑人女秘书,却发现自己真正难以割舍的不是性瘾,而是心中惦念的兄妹之情…… 迈克尔?法斯宾德凭借本片获68届威尼斯电影节影帝
The first feature film from accomplished short filmmaker Kate Shenton, On Tender Hooks is a documentary film delving into the world of human suspension and the people involved. Kate spends a year following a different people and group of suspenders. Every Sunday they pierce themselves with hooks and hang in mid-air from rigs in a display that challenges the perceptions and squeamishness of even the most hardened. The film is a fly on the wall documentary showing how the ordinary human body can achieve extraordinary things. Beginning with groups in London, and then following events in Rico, Croatia and Oslo, Norway, the film depicts a wide variety of experience and opinions, and delves thoughtfully into a deeply misunderstood practice On Tender Hooks was a self-funded project filmed and edited by director Kate Shenton. Completed in 2012 it is an example of independent film-making at its purest. Written by Kate Shenton
薇拉·菲利普斯(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰)和凯特琳·托马斯(西耶娜·米勒 Sienna Miller 饰)在对天才诗人迪伦?托马斯(马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys 饰)爱的沦陷中构筑着深厚的友谊。一方面,薇拉是托马斯青梅竹马的灵魂之友,初恋 相逢却终因托马斯的无法专情而嫁给军官威廉姆·克里克(希里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 饰)。在威廉姆出征期间用着他的军人津贴来维持托马斯花天酒地的巨大生活开销。另一方面,凯瑟琳是对托马斯不离不弃的妻子,虽然被托马斯的滥情一次又一次的伤害折磨,却始终深深爱着他。薇拉,凯瑟琳,托马斯三人就这样在战乱的年代保持着令人不解的暧昧关系,直到从前线归来的威廉姆听闻了薇拉和托马斯的绯闻,盛怒之下将枪口指向了托马斯…. 该片改编自英国天才诗人迪伦·托马斯的生平事迹。该片获英国威尔士电影电视...
从小失去父母的简·爱(米娅·华希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 饰)寄居在舅妈家,自幼受尽表兄(克雷格·罗伯兹 Craig Roberts 饰)欺辱和舅妈(莎莉·霍金斯 Sally Hawkins 饰)冷眼,稍大些后即被送入管教严格的教会女子学校。在冷漠、刻板环境中长大的简·爱并没有成为心理扭曲的女孩,而是自立自强,还 积累了不凡的学识修养,成年后她成为桑菲尔德贵族庄园的家庭教师。男主人罗切斯特先生(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)第一次露面时,与简·爱相识于一场堕马事故,随着二人慢慢熟悉,罗切斯特先生体会到简·爱的与众不同,并渐渐爱上她,简·爱亦受到罗切斯特先生的强烈吸引,但是大宅夜晚总会发生一些怪事,二人的爱情似乎蒙着一层阴影…… 本片根据英国作家据夏洛蒂·勃朗特原著改编,是这部名著第18次被搬上大银幕。
汉尼拔(加斯帕德·尤利尔)的童年之初充满明媚与温馨,可爱的妹妹就像他的小尾巴,是他最爱的亲人。然而战争带走了一切,他的父亲、母亲还有他的家园。可是这仅仅是噩梦的开始,真正的毁了他一生的是妹妹的死——残忍的德军,吃了他的妹妹。 妹妹的死成了汉尼拔永远的梦魇,妹妹的脸庞和声 音常常在他的梦里出现。汉尼拔决定去寻找他最后的亲人,叔叔的妻子,他的婶婶,一个神秘的东方女人,紫夫人(巩俐)。紫夫人教会了汉尼拔搏击的技术,也让他见识到东方世界生吃文化的精髓。汉尼拔似乎找到了走出童年阴影的出口,他开始杀人,吃人,在血腥中得到灵魂的暂时安宁。 杀害妹妹的仇人,一个接一个凄惨的死去。汉尼拔和紫夫人之间也渐渐产生若有若无的情愫,可是此时,灵魂深陷泥沼的少年汉尼拔还留下什么来爱呢?
创作灵感来自真实事件,Hereward是一个生存在充满暴力、血腥和杀戮的世界的修道士。他的职责是护送Holy Gospel of Lindisfarne安全到达 Lona 修道院,而此时正有一名海盗堵截他。在他去往修道院的途中,他遇到了一位愿意用生命保护他护送这本书的顶尖剑客。在他们前行的道路上要面对的准 备杀死他们夺走那本书的海盗。
影片讲述了1978年世界上第一个“”试管婴儿”Louise Joy Brown诞生背后的非凡真实故事,以及为实现这一目标而不懈奋斗的十年历程。故事从年轻护士兼胚胎学家Jean Purdy的视角出发,她与科学家Robert Edwards、外科医生Patrick Steptoe合作,开创了体外受精(IVF)领域的先路,解开了不孕不育之谜。电影跟随这三位特立独行的愿景家,展现了他们是如何排除万难、实现梦想,并为数百万人播下了圆梦的种子,歌颂了不屈不挠的力量和科学带来的奇迹。
阿尔穆特(弗洛伦斯·普)和托比亚斯(安德鲁·加菲尔德)在一次意外邂逅中走到一起,改变了他们的生活。 在影片导演约翰·克劳利这部跨越十年、感人至深的浪漫爱情片中,当他们踏上一条受时间限制挑战的道路时,他们学会了珍惜他们爱情故事所走过的非常规路线上的每一刻。
阿尔穆特(弗洛伦斯·普)和托比亚斯(安德鲁·加菲尔德)在一次意外邂逅中走到一起,改变了他们的生活。 在影片导演约翰·克劳利这部跨越十年、感人至深的浪漫爱情片中,当他们踏上一条受时间限制挑战的道路时,他们学会了珍惜他们爱情故事所走过的非常规路线上的每一刻。
改编自真实悬案,美国东西岸两大嘻哈教主声名狼藉先生及图帕克在音乐上引发东西岸的斗争,两人接连被枪杀身亡,一直没有成功破案,让他们更成为传奇人物。追踪此案 20 年的警察(约翰尼·德普饰)遇上了一个想挽救事业危机的记者(福里斯特·惠特克 饰),二人决定联手找出命案真相,调查的过程中揭发了执法机官的谎言和贪污行为......
Rezort是一个风光无比秀丽的海岛,由威尔顿集团经营,源源不断的游客前往那儿度假。不过,他们不仅仅是为欣赏美景,还有另一个特殊目的-- 玩射杀丧尸的游戏。这些丧尸是上一次人尸世界大战中仅存的俘虏,许多人带着为亲人复仇的心态前去。梅兰妮就是其中一位,不过她此行不顺,由于原因,岛上防御系统崩溃,成千上万的丧尸冲出牢笼,瞬间占领了海岛,疯狂觅食游客。梅兰妮一行人在亡命逃跑过程中,却发现了一个更加可怕的阴谋.......
In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her occult powers to curse his family, enlisting unknowing help from one of the household.
Young Hunters: The Beast of Bevendean is a children's action adventure film, about two boy's hunt for the mysterious creature said to be living in the woods on the edge of town.
A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
Hopper’s work is the most recognisable art in America – popular, praised, and mysterious. Countless painters, photographers, filmmakers and musicians have been influenced by his art – but who was he, and how did a struggling illustrator create such a bounty of notable work? This new film takes a deep look into Hopper’s art, his life, and his relationships. From his early career...
An off-the-wall comedy set in the world of the Bystanders - invisible immortals who watch over their human subjects and intervene in (or interfere with) their lives.
布兰顿(迈克尔·法斯宾德 Michael Fassbender 饰)是纽约衣着光鲜的白领。他酷爱成人电影,习惯自慰,并寻花问柳。不过,他与妹妹希西(凯瑞?穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)的关系却忽冷忽热。希西总给他电话留言,他却总是避之不及。然而,当希西搬来与他同住 ,他又表现出特别的关心。布兰顿和上司一同去听希西的演唱,结果上司被她的风姿所打动,而他却沉浸在她的歌声中潸然泪下。在妹妹面前,布兰顿表现的无所谓,而上司却大胆追求。这令布兰顿极为羞耻。某日,上司在与家人视频通话后,开始斥责布兰顿往电脑硬盘塞满了成人电影,称之为耻辱。气急败坏的布兰顿却对妹妹发火,令她十分伤心。布兰顿曾约会公司的黑人女秘书,却发现自己真正难以割舍的不是性瘾,而是心中惦念的兄妹之情…… 迈克尔?法斯宾德凭借本片获68届威尼斯电影节影帝
When an encounter with the swinging scene has an unexpected impact on David's impotence, Alice thinks she might have found the solution to all their problems, but the poly-amorous world is a difficult place for a love story to flourish.
A struggling fashion designer takes on a job working as a personal shopper for a successful erotic novelist. Things get steamy between them, but soon they will be confronted by someone who knows about their affair and wants to stop it.
After a revenge obsessed society incorrectly selects its next target, a young man must survive the night as the online witch-hunt arrives at his front door.
As the Fifteenth Doctor, played by Ncuti Gatwa, takes over the TARDIS for his first epic adventure he will be joined by Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson, as she makes her debut as the Doctor’s companion. The episode sees the Doctor come face-to-face with the mythical and mysterious goblins as his life collides with Ruby Sunday, played by Millie Gibson. Little is known about...
A stand-up show that touches on topics such as artificial intelligence, political correctness, family weddings, funerals, and the end of humanity.
Created by the monarch, Dukedoms are gradually becoming extinct - the last one was created by Queen Victoria. In this one-off documentary Michael Waldman meets some of the last vestiges of this level of British aristocracy, and asks what has become of those who remain. In 2012 South African Bruce Murray found himself becoming the 12th Duke of Atholl and heading up the only priv...
Remember when everyone wanted to be in The Strokes or look like Karen O? Then this is the film of the year for you! We’re in New York in the early ’00s. Rock n’ roll had long since been declared dead and buried when a tsunami of young bands suddenly swept across the city and up the charts everywhere, setting a new standard for urban cool. In a kaleidoscopic journey with an eye ...
On Christmas Eve, a scorn widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an evil Christmas tree. Hell-bent on getting revenge on the one who caused his execution, the body count keeps rising as the tree hunts her down. Can anyone stop this killer Christmas tree before he gets to his target?
1979年Quadrophenia(四重人格)这部由电影的上映带起了Mod的复兴。片中内容讲述了1960年代因为出生于劳工阶级的Mods,因为无法摆脱现实的桎梏,无法摆脱自己的社会阶级,以及生活当中的苦闷,真实再现了Mods的生活。 一句话评论 Hell On Wheels! The Year Was 1964, and The Battle Was Just Beginning! A Way Of Life [rerelease] We are the mods, we are the mods. We are, we are, we are the mods. 幕后制作 本片由The Who监制,配乐除了使用The Who的Quadrophenia专辑当中的音乐外,还加上Mods最爱的黑人灵魂乐等乐风,Sting在当中也有饰演一角。
Britain’s most notorious gangsters, The Kray twins have gained legendary infamy for their brutal reign over 1960s London, which continues to fascinate and shock to this day – but who was the man who brought down the infamous gangsters? The sixties, London: hemlines are up, and so is the crime rate, the highest level on record. As the Beatles rule the airwaves, heading for world...