In Nikhil Nagesh Bhat’s relentless martial arts thriller, a passenger train bound for New Delhi becomes a bloody battleground of brutal close-quarters combat as a pair of commandos square off against a 40-strong army of invading bandits.
A man's long battle to save his comatose father is met with financial obstacles, and with his family suggesting euthanasia as the best possible option. What will he do?
Madness ensues when a ‘player’ in the world of romantic relationships finds a girl who’s a worthy opponent. A story of love where the battle is of wits.
基于IPS 官员 Manoj Kumar Sharma 和 IRS 官员 Shraddha Joshi 的真实故事改编。马诺杰-库马尔-夏尔马(Manoj Kumar Sharma)来自钱巴尔村,在那里考试作弊是家常便饭。他正在参加 12 年级考试,并想找一份小工的工作。但在考试期间,一位严厉的警官 DCP 杜什扬-辛格(Dushyant Singh)来到这里,阻止了作弊行为。 第二年,他通过了考试,梦想成为一名 IAS,但命运另有安排,Manoj 必须从一开始就努力学习。