20年前神秘的北部深山,深夜,迷雾笼罩的幽谷密林,深不可测的幽幽湖水,一个中年男人迷失其中,几天后他回到村里,但村民们感到他中了邪,随之而来的不可思议的神秘恐怖事件更令人视他为邪灵附体。 一队调查者为揭开当年事件真相深入幽谷,等待他们的却是越来越多的谜团:神秘的群体失踪、面目全非血泊中的女尸、血腥残忍的行刑者、飘忽不定的幽魂鬼影、暗藏湖中的邪灵、催眠唤醒的恐怖记忆,神秘恐怖事件变得越来越复杂。随[展开全部]
Its Halloween 1989, best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what's left of their final Devil's Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn and awakening the evil inside. Now it's up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defe...
Its Halloween 1989, best friends Sam and Josh are trying to enjoy what's left of their final Devil's Night before graduating high school. But trouble arises when the two pals and a group of friends take a detour on their way to a rock concert, finding an old abandoned barn and awakening the evil inside. Now it's up to Sam and Josh to find a way to protect their friends and defe...