安达充(川名浩介 饰)是一个正在读高三的学生,他学习优秀,容貌清秀,不过因性格内向鲜少朋友。充的心中藏着不为人知的秘密,他深深爱恋着自己的级任老师堀田纪子(大竹一重 饰)。这份感情无法自已,他甚至经常打去匿名电话向老师表达爱意。然而纪子对这样的骚扰不胜其烦,此外她早已和同校的体育老师森本(冲田浩之 饰)相爱,情深意笃。目睹了纪子与森本约会并欢爱的场景,充心中倍感痛苦。 另一方面,暗恋充的同班女[展开全部]
“Okada’s death completely fits into Sato’s version of Japan, alienated and constantly watched. Women, especially, are followed with camcorders, viewed by security cameras, denied privacy. They float, friendless and unattached, in and out of phone booths, sex clubs, medical research, subways, neon cities.”
更多“Okada’s death completely fits into Sato’s version of Japan, alienated and constantly watched. Women, especially, are followed with camcorders, viewed by security cameras, denied privacy. They float, friendless and unattached, in and out of phone booths, sex clubs, medical research, subways, neon cities.”