景色唯美的海岸邊,台日混血的麻裡和刻薄疏離的母親相依為命,共同經營著一幢古雅的旅館。某夜,旅館二樓突然傳出女人的尖叫聲,前往查看的麻裡見到了被推下樓梯的狼狽妓女,以及她身後那名衣著體面卻兇惡冷酷的男子。比起恐懼,孤獨的麻裡似乎更對男子的暴戾感到著迷。當她終於在岸邊重遇了朝思暮想的神祕男子,她決定無視街坊流傳的恐怖謠言,與男子展開一段滿溢愉虐激情的禁忌關係⋯⋯。 &nbs[展开全部]
A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...
更多A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...