彼女の美貴(あいださくら)と同 じ大学に通うため、美貴の母親 (倖田李梨)が経営するアパート 越してきた秀一。しかしそこは、 某一流企業の社長秘書?若葉(西 野翔)、国際線CA?夏樹(夏川 亜咲)、女医?静(浅乃ハルミ)、 女教師?あずみ(成瀬心美)たち 美女だらけの楽園だった!? 若葉た ちは毎夜、秀一の部屋に押しかけ 宴会三昧。美貴との半同棲生活を [展开全部]
“Okada’s death completely fits into Sato’s version of Japan, alienated and constantly watched. Women, especially, are followed with camcorders, viewed by security cameras, denied privacy. They float, friendless and unattached, in and out of phone booths, sex clubs, medical research, subways, neon cities.”
更多“Okada’s death completely fits into Sato’s version of Japan, alienated and constantly watched. Women, especially, are followed with camcorders, viewed by security cameras, denied privacy. They float, friendless and unattached, in and out of phone booths, sex clubs, medical research, subways, neon cities.”