位于关西的圣和女子学院是一所旨在培养贤妻良母的私立女子高中,然而校方利欲熏心,无心教育,致使这里充斥着各种不良行为。其中,女番长中田迪子(杉本美樹 饰)率领的3年4班岚线会和理事长(金子信雄 饰)私生女福本澄子(衣麻遼子 饰)率领的3年2班对抗尤为激烈。教师们唯唯诺诺,唯恐惹祸上身。青年教师吉冈敬一(成瀬正孝 饰)一腔热血,希望革除这股不良之风,但他粗暴的做法却遭到更大的报复。背负仇恨的尾野崎由纪[展开全部]
A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...
更多A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...