Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contaminated currency worldwide: a thief steals contaminated notes in Italy; a Kosovo patient is infected in extreme surgeries; a Ge[展开全部]
Years after an alien invasion almost extinguished human mankind, refugee on a secret base on the Moon, three heroes decide to jump into a time travel in the desperate attempt to save the survivors but they don't know that the Sentinel is waiting for them.
曾掀起连番江湖纷争的倚天剑屠龙刀终由明教教主张无忌(尔冬升 饰)收管,而九阴九阳两部秘笈分别交予周芷若、张无忌。不久朱元璋登基成为皇帝,宋青书(万梓良 饰)凭高超的武功与易容术入宫担任国师,处心积虑谋取几样武林至宝不表。 宋青书设计杀害周芷若取得《九阴真经》。张无忌回访蒙古第一高手铁真将军(狄龙 饰)时偶遇宋青书命人袭击蒙古边民嫁祸明教,张无忌只得隐藏身份救下蒙古公主(钟楚红 饰),一行三人在混乱中坠入天山秘洞。宋青书先后取得倚天屠龙与九阴九阳,功力大增无人能敌,张无忌与铁真败退后在秘洞中习得天竺九式,二人引宋青书上天山一决雌雄……本片根据金庸小说《倚天屠龙记》演绎而来。
Set in an uncanny future — or perhaps a slightly alternate present where cellphone technology is nowhere to be found — Anna and her partner Ryan have achieved every couple’s dream: they are in possession of a document certifying their true love. Their comfortable if somewhat mundane life, however, leaves Anna questioning their successful love test, administered by placing their...
一个希腊渔民救起了一位公主,原来她是来自科技高度发达的亚特兰蒂斯,并送其返回祖国,希望能够得到奖赏,然而却被囚禁,成为劳工。 国王被一个邪恶的巫师操纵,企图使用亚特兰蒂斯的某种自然资源来征服世界。亚特兰蒂斯人,确切地说是亚特兰蒂斯的奴隶,被迫开采一种能够吸收太阳射线的水晶矿物,制造出可以发射热线的武器。由于腐朽和道德沦丧,国家已经处于毁灭前夕。 疯狂科学家在实验室里将奴隶变成怪物,男主角为了争取自由,不得不在观众们的欢呼下与巨人搏斗,最后通过智取战胜了巨人。 大毁灭即将到来,鸟兽纷纷逃离,在一个仁慈友善灵性高尚的大祭司的帮助下,男主角从巫师的魔咒中救出了公主,并在亚特兰蒂斯最后的大毁灭前逃脱。 大祭司与巫师搏斗之时,水晶武器失去控制,最终将二人一同摧毁。地震,海啸,火山,幸存者逃至世界其他地方,用神话将亚特兰蒂斯的故事流传下去。
12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as he accidentally gets caught in a conflict between two alien forces. Shapeshifting Trashmen, descendants of an ancient alien civilization, try to disable electricity on the whole planet by deactivating the defensive shield that protects the Earth from an approaching solar wave. In this way they challenge the all-powerful and mysterious Energy that enabled humanity's technological progress and which we depend on more than ever. In this battle Vlad is helped by a transformer box called the Bobot, which holds the key to saving the world. While telling stories about fictional courage is easy, Vlad will find out that overcoming his fear in the real world is quite a challenge. Mankind's future lies solely in his hands.
更多Years after an alien invasion almost extinguished human mankind, refugee on a secret base on the Moon, three heroes decide to jump into a time travel in the desperate attempt to save the survivors but they don't know that the Sentinel is waiting for them.
曾掀起连番江湖纷争的倚天剑屠龙刀终由明教教主张无忌(尔冬升 饰)收管,而九阴九阳两部秘笈分别交予周芷若、张无忌。不久朱元璋登基成为皇帝,宋青书(万梓良 饰)凭高超的武功与易容术入宫担任国师,处心积虑谋取几样武林至宝不表。 宋青书设计杀害周芷若取得《九阴真经》。张无忌回访蒙古第一高手铁真将军(狄龙 饰)时偶遇宋青书命人袭击蒙古边民嫁祸明教,张无忌只得隐藏身份救下蒙古公主(钟楚红 饰),一行三人在混乱中坠入天山秘洞。宋青书先后取得倚天屠龙与九阴九阳,功力大增无人能敌,张无忌与铁真败退后在秘洞中习得天竺九式,二人引宋青书上天山一决雌雄……本片根据金庸小说《倚天屠龙记》演绎而来。
Set in an uncanny future — or perhaps a slightly alternate present where cellphone technology is nowhere to be found — Anna and her partner Ryan have achieved every couple’s dream: they are in possession of a document certifying their true love. Their comfortable if somewhat mundane life, however, leaves Anna questioning their successful love test, administered by placing their...
一个希腊渔民救起了一位公主,原来她是来自科技高度发达的亚特兰蒂斯,并送其返回祖国,希望能够得到奖赏,然而却被囚禁,成为劳工。 国王被一个邪恶的巫师操纵,企图使用亚特兰蒂斯的某种自然资源来征服世界。亚特兰蒂斯人,确切地说是亚特兰蒂斯的奴隶,被迫开采一种能够吸收太阳射线的水晶矿物,制造出可以发射热线的武器。由于腐朽和道德沦丧,国家已经处于毁灭前夕。 疯狂科学家在实验室里将奴隶变成怪物,男主角为了争取自由,不得不在观众们的欢呼下与巨人搏斗,最后通过智取战胜了巨人。 大毁灭即将到来,鸟兽纷纷逃离,在一个仁慈友善灵性高尚的大祭司的帮助下,男主角从巫师的魔咒中救出了公主,并在亚特兰蒂斯最后的大毁灭前逃脱。 大祭司与巫师搏斗之时,水晶武器失去控制,最终将二人一同摧毁。地震,海啸,火山,幸存者逃至世界其他地方,用神话将亚特兰蒂斯的故事流传下去。
12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as he accidentally gets caught in a conflict between two alien forces. Shapeshifting Trashmen, descendants of an ancient alien civilization, try to disable electricity on the whole planet by deactivating the defensive shield that protects the Earth from an approaching solar wave. In this way they challenge the all-powerful and mysterious Energy that enabled humanity's technological progress and which we depend on more than ever. In this battle Vlad is helped by a transformer box called the Bobot, which holds the key to saving the world. While telling stories about fictional courage is easy, Vlad will find out that overcoming his fear in the real world is quite a challenge. Mankind's future lies solely in his hands.