刘苹果(范冰冰饰)在北京一家洗脚城里做按摩妹,丈夫安坤(佟大为饰)是负责清洗高楼落地窗的工人,二人生活贫困,却相亲相爱。 洗脚城老板林东(梁家辉饰)是个好色的港商,时常找不同小姐满足生理需要。老婆王梅(金燕玲饰)不能生育,经营一家美容院,两人感情冷淡。 一日刘苹果的好友小妹因为得罪客人而被开除,二人喝得酩酊大醉。神志混乱的苹果误打误撞走到一间足浴客房,正好是林东的休息室,二人发生关系,却被正在[展开全部]
Sexually lustful pizza delivery woman, Seung-ha VS customer who wants to swap, Yoon-yool The Hye-jin couple, who advocate free sex, yuankan.cc point to the pizza delivery man Ji-yeong and Dal-soo as partners to enjoy with them, and execute an erotic operation. When Ji-yeong arrives, Hye-jin's husband shows off his erection, and when Dal-soo arrives, he seduces her with his ches...
更多Sexually lustful pizza delivery woman, Seung-ha VS customer who wants to swap, Yoon-yool The Hye-jin couple, who advocate free sex, yuankan.cc point to the pizza delivery man Ji-yeong and Dal-soo as partners to enjoy with them, and execute an erotic operation. When Ji-yeong arrives, Hye-jin's husband shows off his erection, and when Dal-soo arrives, he seduces her with his ches...