简介: Written by Michael Hirst, this series is an epic romantic adventure based on the life of famous American outlaw Billy the Kid, also known as William H. Bonney — from his humble Irish roots, to his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond.
Written by Michael Hirst, this series is an epic romantic adventure based on the life of famous American outlaw Billy the Kid, also known as William H. Bonney — from his humble Irish roots, to his early days as a cowboy and gunslinger in the American frontier, to his pivotal role in the Lincoln County War and beyond.展开
6.0 亚当·斯科特//布丽特·洛薇尔//约翰·特托罗//克里斯托弗·沃肯//帕特丽夏·阿奎特//格温多兰·克里斯蒂//特拉梅尔·提尔曼//扎克·切利//詹·塔洛克//迈克尔·切鲁斯//迪辰·拉克曼//萨拉·博克//阿莉雅·肖卡特//梅里特·韦弗//约翰·诺贝尔//罗比·本森//鲍勃·巴拉班//奥拉维尔·达里·奥拉夫松//马克·盖勒/ Edward Olaie/ Edward Olaie/