Up North explores love, friendship, and family politics, all of which collide, when a young rebellious heir from a wealthy family is sent away to National Service in Northern Nigeria. Things don't quite go according to plan as the spoiled heir begins to find himself, creating memories to last a lifetime.
《Reversing Roe》讲的是美国著名罗诉韦德案。“罗诉韦德案例”给了美国妇女堕胎权,等于承认美国堕胎的合法化。
The pressure to achieve more, do more, and be more is part of being human - and in the age of Adderall and Ritalin, achieving that can be as close as the local pharmacy. No longer just "a cure for excitable kids," prescription stimulants are in college classrooms, on Wall Street, in Silicon Valley...any place "the need to succeed" slams into "not enough hours in the day." But t...
A troubled young girl must choose between a carefree and exciting life in the city and a hard-work, no-frills country lifestyle in order to learn who she really is and what she wants out of life.
A small town video game store clerk must go from zero to hero after accidentally unleashing the forces of evil from a cursed Colecovision game... Max Jenkins' gaming fantasies collides with reality when a legendary "lost" installment of the Nether Game series appears on the store counter of his workplace, Fallout Games. Unbeknownst to Max, the game bears a "Curse of The Ages", ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bb33ht/horizon-2018-3-how-to-build-a-time-machine Time travel is not forbidden by the laws of nature, but to build a time machine, we would need to understand more about those laws and how to subvert them than we do now. And every day, science does learn more. In this film Horizon meets the scientists working on the cutting edge of discov...
Artificial Intelligence is starting to transform healthcare beyond recognition. The vision for tech companies is to get AI computers to diagnose diseases as well as a human doctor, which could ultimately result in accessible, more affordable, better healthcare for almost everyone. In a world with a chronic shortage of doctors, but where even the very poor own mobile phones, it ...
The BBC's Horizon programme began in 1964, and since then has produced films looking at computer technology and the emergence of 'artificial intelligence'. Our dreams always begin with ideology and optimism, only for this optimism to be replaced with suspicion that AI machines will take over. However, as the Horizon archive shows, throughout each decade once we have learnt to l...
Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 in the UK - causing more deaths in this group than car accidents, and even more than cancer. This means that the most likely thing to kill Dr Xand Van Tulleken is himself. And he wants to know why. In this sensitive film, Xand finds out what we know about why people develop suicidal thoughts, and whether there is anything that we ca...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0bcmjht/horizon-2018-4-spina-bifida-me One in every 1,000 pregnancies in Britain has a spine or brain defect like spina bifida. Thirty years ago, actress Ruth Madeley was one of them. Despite having spina bifida herself, it is a condition she doesn't fully understand. In this programme, Ruth sets out to discover why she has it, whether it ...
We all have a biological clock ticking away inside us that governs our daily rhythms. This affects our health as much as our diet and whether we exercise. So what can we do to manage this internal clock better? To find out, evolutionary biologist Ella Al-Shamahi locks former commando Aldo Kane in an abandoned nuclear bunker with no way of telling the time - for ten days. Monito...
Deception is an integral part of human nature and it is estimated we all lie up to nine times a day. But what if we created a world in which we couldn't lie? In a radical experiment, pioneering scientists from across Europe have come together to make this happen. Brand new technology is allowing them to rig three British people to make it impossible for them to lie undetected. ...
喜剧电影《无人出名》2018 ,故事讲述一群年轻的演员们,假日途中,这群满怀抱负与希望的年轻人里有人发现自己即将一举成名,出演一个轰动的影片角色..这个消息让其他的演员们心生妒忌... 该片由2017年的百合电影《即将成人》Sarah Rotella 执导,上演了一出诙谐幽默的好基友周末荒诞喜剧。
The vitamin industry is worth more than £400million a year in the UK alone, but what are these pills actually doing for people's health? Dr Giles Yeo aims to find out, exploring if vitamin and mineral supplements are what they appear to be and putting people's diets to the test to find out if they really need these supplements. Those he meets include a scientist in Copenhagen, ...
In March 2018 an international team of scientists gathered in a remote valley in the Canadian Rockies to conduct a unique experiment - to attempt to see into the heart of a massive avalanche to see if we can find ways to save lives in the future. Avalanches kill hundreds of people every year. Even in the UK 25 people have been killed by these forces of nature since the year 200...
Sydney and Darrel met while working through the trenches of chaos of low budget independent filmmaking. Like most forced to produce under pressure, they grew close and began to admire and respect one another. However, their romance never quite had the opportunity to blossom and once the production was over, they went their respective ways and moved on with their lives. After 2 ...
想象你的脑部受损,无法正常说话,也无法自如控制自己的身体,你会怎么做? 本片展示了Richard脑部手术后的各种康复训练,以及他和妻子坚持不懈的心路历程。
In recent years a groundbreaking new study has been released into the effects of the contraceptive pill. Research from Denmark claimed women on the pill and other forms of hormonal contraception were 70% more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who were not. And another study has found hormonal contraception was linked to a seemingly dramatic risk of breast cancer...
In 1968, five friends set out on a 5,000-mile road trip in a white Ford van bound for South America. They packed surfboards, skis, and climbing gear and documented the whole trip on a 16mm Bolex camera. From Ventura, California to a first ascent on Cerro Fitz Roy, with a stop for sand skiing and 31 days in an ice cave in between, Mountain of Storms not only prefigured the moder...
Latin History for Morons: John Leguizamo's Road to Broadway captures John's quest to cram 3,000 years of history into 90 minutes of stage time and bring a whole new set of historical characters back to life as one man. Infused throughout the documentary is John's special brand of humor and openness. The road to his ultimate goal - his next Broadway hit - unfolds in a fun, intri...
罗德尼·海登是一位美国梦想家:住在佛罗里达中部的小企业主、家庭妇男。受经济大萧条的影响破产后,他听说了一个关于地图、岛屿和宝藏的故事,这可能是他摆脱不断增加的债务的一个契机。在经济绝望和生活迷茫的双重刺激下,罗德尼制定了一个计划,从报道中的加勒比藏宝地区,找到传说中价值 200 万美元的可卡因。就这样,罗德尼踏上了追求自己的美国梦的旅程,虽然先前没有贩毒经验,但是在一群不同肤色的少年犯的帮助下,得到了出人意料的结果。 《可卡因岛的传说》由西奥·洛夫执导,Sidestilt 和 Dreamco Pictures 联合出品,于 2018 年翠贝卡电影节首映(之前的片名为:《White Tide: The Legend of Culebra》)。
这部国家地理纪录片被评论家称赞为“极其可喜”,“光辉而古怪”,是“对我们未来赖以生存的青少年科学怪才的颂歌”,该片在圣丹斯电影节和西南偏南艺术节上均获得了奖项,节目内容追踪了9名来自世界各地的高中学生在参加国际科学与工程博览会的比赛中面临的诸如竞争,挫折以及荷尔蒙等各类挑战。 这些天赋异禀的科学明星中有喀什法,一个来自南达科他州一所痴迷于运动的高中的带有温和口语的穆斯林女孩。在国家科学与工程大奖赛上的胜利可能是她进入东海岸大学的入场券,在那里她觉得自己会因为才智而不是头巾受到评判;玛莉娜和加布里埃尔两人来自塞阿拉州,巴西最贫穷的州之一,当致命的寨卡病毒入侵他们的家乡时,这个充满活力的二人组进入实验室,最终鉴定出一种可以抑制寨卡病毒传播的蛋白质;然后是来自德国的伊沃,他对航空工程学的公认观点提出质疑。 来自78个国家或地区的1700名最聪明,最古怪的青...
故事开始于2000年的英国,乔安(朱迪·丹奇 Judi Dench 饰)在风景如画的乡间过着惬意的退休生活。虽然乔安看上去只是一个文雅端庄的老太太,可她的真实身份其实是一名军事间谍。某日,军情五处的探员敲响了乔安家的门,打破了她平静的生活。 时间倒退到1930年,此时的乔安(索菲·库克森 Sophie Cookson 饰)是剑桥大学的一名物理系学生,一次偶然中,她邂逅了名为里昂(汤姆·休斯 Tom Hughes 饰)的俄罗斯男子,一见钟情的两人很快就走到了一起。在里昂的影响下,乔安开始关注起世界的格局,并且发现历史已经来到了拐点处,军事霸权行为早已经渗透了她生活的方方面面,愤怒的乔安决定反抗。
While Bright Fields preps for its Mistletoe Ball, a broken ornament leads Zoe to a family secret, while Gaby finds herself at the mercy of new boss Mia.
As London slides towards the 2011 riots, on the estates of East London, a young man's life is torn apart by a love for a girl from a different place.
"They never fail." The Glock pistol has been fetishised in films and the arts, and is a regular topseller in the international arms market. For the first time, the filmmaking duo Fritz Ofner and Eva Hausberger tell the story of the rise of the Glock: An Austrian design that became the most sought-after service and murder weapon worldwide. Tracing the web of power, money, violen...
弗兰奇(斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins 饰演)最近面临着诸多债务问题:他在城中开设的武馆经营不善并且经常被人上门找麻烦,自己也可能因交不起房租而随时 无家可归,而爱情方面更是无暇顾及、毫无进展。于是弗兰奇打算铤而走险,接受了一份讨债人的工作,他需要冒着生命危险替雇主以暴力手段逼迫欠债人还债或施加压力,而和他搭档的是一位名字叫苏(路易斯·曼迪勒 Louis Mandylor 饰演)的前警署探员。于是这对看似奇怪的组合开着轿车,在一条逐渐失控的讨债道路上越走越远。
英版第三季于2018年1月4日开播。最终成功的“逃难者”将瓜分大奖10万英镑。 由30人组成的专家猎人团队展开捉捕,此外本季搜捕还配备了无人机、警犬和直升机。 9位普通人作为“逃难者”藏匿起来,藏匿日期25天。
英国ITV频道从2018年起,邀请英国皇家艺术学院艺术主任Tim Marlow讲述欧洲美术馆收藏的传世名作,每一季五集,每集聚焦一位画家或一个流派,一般以当季热门的主题展为基础。目前已经播出了三季十五集。分集信息如下: 第一季:①卡纳莱托②印象派③米开朗琪罗④伦勃朗⑤维米尔 第二季:①大卫·霍克尼②梵高③耶罗尼米斯·博斯④爱杜尔·马奈⑤美国印象派 第三季:①毕加索②戈雅③爱德华·蒙克④从莫奈到马蒂斯⑤塞尚
Professor Alice Roberts explores the UK's past, focusing on six key eras by exploring the stories of towns which best illustrate each.
影片讲述了纽约警局警犬麦克斯(卢达克里斯 Ludacris 配音)与它的人类搭档FBI探员弗兰克(威尔·阿奈特 Will Arnett 饰)联手破案的惊险经历。本互不相识且性格迥异的一人一犬,因为一宗珍稀动物偷盗案被强行组队。随后更被派遣到拉斯维加斯参加全球知名犬展,通过卧底行动缉拿罪魁祸首。而此次行动对于“厌狗”的探员弗兰克和不修边幅的麦克斯,远比想象中的艰难…