When his increasingly depraved behavior spirals out of control, Marcus retreats to his family home along the New England coast. But instead of finding solace, Marcus is haunted by his darkest fears and deepest desires. Is he losing his mind or has something terrible burrowed deep within him Incubating. Waiting until the climate is right. Marcus must fight to save his crumbling sanity and protect Lily, his beloved niece from a monster that lies in wait.
达纳·安德鲁斯 佩吉·卡明斯 尼尔·麦吉尼斯 莫瑞斯·德纳姆 阿西妮·瑟伦 利亚姆·雷德蒙 雷金纳德·贝克威思 尤安·罗伯茨 布莱恩·怀尔德 理查德·利奇 劳埃德·兰布尔 查尔斯·劳埃德·帕克 珀西·赫伯特
American psychologist John Holden arrives in London to participate in a symposium aiming to expose witchcraft and devil-worship as a fraud, with attention centered on a cult run by a Julian Karswell. Debarking his plane, Holden learns that the symposium leader, Henry Harrington, has suddenly died and he is now in charge. What only the audience knows is that Harrington was clearly killed by a demon, apparently summoned by Karswell to avenge his persecution. Despite both threatening and cajoling behavior by Karswell, Holden determines to proceed, though the only cult member willing to talk about his experiences is in a prison psychiatric ward, catatonic after allegedly killing yet another cult member. However, Harrington's niece, Joanna, believes, based on her uncle's notes, that Karswell may indeed have some satanic powers derived from an ancient tome in an obscure language which he has been able to translate, and attempts to warn the skeptic Holden. Karswell's mother also attempts to warn Holden off. However, the thing which begins to most get to Holden are the occasional, but mounting, sensory and mental disturbances he begins experiencing after an encounter with Karswell, and the discovery that, during this encounter, Karswell secretly slipped a slip of parchment with a curse in runic symbols on it into Holden's belongings, a parchment identical to one Harrington recorded having had passed to him in a similar manner shortly before his death... [N.B. Holden at no point stays at the Karswell estate].
这晚,纽约州又一名机场管理员巴克暴毙在停机坪上,尸体乾瘪瘪的被人完全抽干了所有的血。这一事件震撼了新闻界,因为先前在缅因州也发生了类似的命案,于是,“吸血鬼复活”的传言传遍了美国的大街小巷,一时人人惊慌。这晚,在马里兰州雷雨之夜,身穿漆黑大披风的夜行者再次驾驶飞机犯案,又两位无辜的市民度惨死在他手中,犯案情节竟和《吸血鬼瑞菲》的电影情节一模一样。报社主编莫里森(丹尼•莫纳汉 Dan Monahan 饰)让拥有飞机执照的资深记者理查德(米高•佛瑞 Miguel Ferrer 饰)越州对这一事件进行深入报导,到底还有多少人命丧恶魔之手?
A young nurse begins her shift at an old city hospital. After a strange apparition one of the oldest nurse tells her that a patient, Mr. Moore, entered the hospital a few years ago. His body was completely burned after a fire. Mr. Moore was operated urgently by the doctors. But no one wanted to assist him. The pain and drugs had driven him mad - One night one of the nurses went to his room but his bed was empty. Nothing was heard from him anymore. A bell interrupts the story. The call comes from Mr. Moore's room.
Cindy (Sara Drust) returns to her family home after the death of her father to settle some disputes. Seeking comfort, she is joined by her boyfriend and friends, however, she soon discovers that the house hides a terrible secret, one that will put them all in danger…
13岁的美丽小女孩米雅(艾拉·彭内尔 Ella Purnell 饰)偶然在自家院子的树洞里发现一只小盒子,里面装着一则奇怪恐怖的故事。故事讲述了无脸恶魔希望得到他人的认可,于是四处寻找站在窗口的小孩子,将孩子带走并撕掉他们的脸,贴在自己的脸上。米雅为这个未完成的故事着迷,她尝试续写下去。米雅不知道,这是身为建筑工人的父亲约翰·费罗(克里夫·欧文 Clive Owen 饰)童年时代根据自己的真实体验所写的故事。在这一过程中,诡异的梦境不断困扰米雅。 与此同时,一起意外事故让约翰深埋心底的恐惧再次复苏,他重新想起童年时的无脸恶魔,父女俩同时遭到恶魔的侵扰……
Police baffled by the FACELESS KILLER! A faceless dummy of a serial killer haunts a police department in this atmospheric noir thriller from Fleischer. The dummy is created to represent an elusive strangler who calls himself 'The Judge' and whom the frustrated detective Harry Grant attempts to reconstruct from a handful of clues, such as body size and suit fabric. Sure enough, as the dummy becomes more real, reason and sound judgement encounter the uncanny.
厌倦了无聊的学业,奎德(肖恩·埃文斯 Shaun Evans 饰)、斯蒂芬·格雷斯(杰克逊·拉斯波恩 Jackson Rathbone 饰)及其女友谢丽尔·弗洛姆(汉娜·斯蒂恩 Hanne Steen 饰)合作进行一项探寻人类恐怖之源的研究。他们采访应征者,请他们讲述各自心中最恐惧的事情。与此同时,这三个人慢慢讲述了各自的心结。斯蒂芬的哥哥死于车祸,因此他对汽车和死亡有着天然的恐惧;谢丽尔的父亲在屠宰场工作,致使她对肉类心生抵触;奎德则在6岁时目睹了父母被破门而入的男子杀害的惨状,血腥的阴影时刻笼罩心头。 他们的研究逐渐接近尾声,但是奎德的情绪却变得越来越不稳定,他最终走向崩溃的边缘……
基亚娜·马德拉 奥利维亚·韦尔奇 玛雅·霍克 小本杰明·弗洛雷斯 朱莉娅·雷沃尔德 阿什利·祖克曼 乔丹娜·斯皮罗 达里尔·布里特-吉布森 乔迪恩·迪纳塔莱 萨迪·辛克 夏洛林·阿莫亚 大卫·W·汤普森 嘉娜·艾伦 弗莱德·赫钦格 马特·伯克 马修·祖克 丹尼恩·亨汀顿 黛安娜·塞勒斯 托德·艾伦·德金 艾米丽·布罗斯特 迈克尔·钱德勒 莱西·坎普 吉莉安·雅各布斯 埃米莉·拉德 Christian Bridges Noah Bain Garret
英俊帅气、年轻有为的泰德•格雷(Milo Ventimiglia 米洛•文堤米利亚 饰)事业爱情双得意,他以优异的成绩从哈佛医学院毕业,随后被推荐进入全国最有名的病理学研究小组;另一方面,泰德和女友格雯(Alyssa Milano 阿莱萨•米兰诺 饰)感情顺利,令人欣羡。 凭借出众的才干与丰富的学识,泰德很快便在这人才辈出的研究小组中崭露头角,受到同侪的赏识与器重。但他很快便发现,这个小组的工作人员似乎隐藏着不为人知的秘密。原来,这些衣冠楚楚研究人员竟然暗中进行一连串的杀人事件,他们为了创造出完美的杀人纪录而疯狂竞赛。泰德同时发现,自己也在其中越陷越深。 是逃脱,还是同流合污,他面临着痛苦而危险的选择……
杰罗德·亨利教授(文森特·普莱斯 Vincent Price饰)是一名醉心艺术的雕刻艺术家,他的每件蜡像雕塑都栩栩如生。他一直潜心钻研历史上的著名人物形象,尤其钟爱法王路易十六的王后玛丽·安托瓦内特。然而他的生意合作伙伴马修·伯克(罗伊·罗伯茨 Roy Roberts饰)却因为杰罗德经营蜡像院收益不佳而大为不满。为了更快的收取钱财,丧心病狂的马修烧毁了整座蜡像馆,包括所有杰罗德视如珍宝的蜡像雕塑。火灾之后,杰罗德葬身火海,神秘地失踪了,而马修则如愿得到了大笔保险金。 18个月后,杰罗德竟然奇迹般地“复活”了。不仅如此,杰罗德还举办了一次全新的艺术展览,一场以死亡暴力为题,令人毛骨悚然的血腥之展。苏·艾伦(菲莉丝·柯克 Phyllis Kirk饰)本是一名普通的美丽女孩,刚刚成为杰罗德的新任助理。可随着她的好友离奇被杀之后,苏的生活开始变得危险而不安。苏怎会知道,她正是杰罗德要创作的下一个完美蜡像玛丽·安托瓦内特。
While the hot rodders and motorcyclists are having a rock-and-roll beach party, a barrel of radioactive material is unloaded from a passing ship, plunges to the bottom and splits against a jagged rock. A black liquid oozes out and covers a shapeless mass on the ocean floor, which suddenly moves and becomes an encrusted vicious monster. Soon there are several monsters and they must have human blood to survive. Tina is the first victim, and football hero Hank Green and airhead Elaine Gavin enlist the aid of her science-professor father, Dr. Gavin, to solve and capture the killer. Not working fast enough to prevent the attack on twenty teen-agers at a slumber party nor the killing of three girl motorists, Dr. Gavin finds an arm lost by one of the monsters and discovers that only sodium will destroy the monsters whose composition is mostly water. Can they gather enough salt in southern California to put an end to this horror
《色》汤姆医生(Ted Yudain 饰)提取眼睛中的信息素后滴入自己的眼里,可以见到他人所见之物,他打算用这个办法教训女患者艾米(Debra Jans 饰)的暴力男友,但事与愿违; 《声》一首诞生于20世纪70年代的杀人钢琴曲成为传说,几名年轻人决定根据现有素材再现这支受诅咒的曲子; 《香》人生不甚得意的废柴西斯·凯尔(Corey Scott Rutledge 饰)遇见了一个奇怪的推销员玛格丽特(Hilary Greer 饰),这个粉衣女子给他一瓶能让自己受欢迎的香水,他的人生有了奇妙的转变; 《味》黑客华特华斯(Doug Roland 饰)来到一栋气氛诡异的机构应聘,面对美艳的女主管,他原本打算拒绝,谁知自己竟没有拒绝的权利; 《触》一家三口遭遇车祸,父母身受重伤,双目失明的男孩汉瑞(Caleb Barwick 饰)必须依靠摸索寻求救助,他却进入一个禁断之地。
A young American clerk Anthony, who was recently divorced, led a lonely lifestyle. His old friend Matt did not answer calls for several days and it looked like he left somewhere without warning any of his friends. One day, sounds were heard from Matt's apartment and Anthony went to check what happened there. Suddenly, he stumbled upon an unfamiliar, beautiful girl and fell in surprise and hit his head. As it turned out, the girl was Natasha, Matt's girlfriend. Matt heard the sound and rushed in. He and Natasha carried Anthony to his apartment. The next day, Matt and Natasha told Anthony they had just returned from Russia and advised him to go there where he could find a beautiful bride. Natasha assured Anthony that Russia is a very safe place and lots of fun things going on. After some hesitation, Anthony went to Russia. Having settled into the hotel, and rested, in the evening he went to the bar, where he met a lonely, dancing, beautiful blonde named Nina. One of the bar visitors warns Anthony that Nina was a witch and could not be kissed. Anthony didn't take it seriously. The couple had fun at the restaurant and Nina invited Anthony to her home. Well drunk, Anthony agreed.
一个年轻的拿破仑军官追踪一个神秘的女人而来到一个年迈男爵的城堡,在那里他发现这个女人是听命于一个老巫婆,其最终目的是迫使男爵自杀…… Roger directed for two days on a set left over from a previous production, and without a proper script. He hired Francis Coppola to write a script and finish the picture. After five weeks of shooting, Roger fired Francis, and hired me to finish the picture. Jack Hill was hired to write a new script with me. A lot of what Francis shot was thrown out, except for the stuff with the witch from WIZARD OF OZ. (Dorothy Newman), and I finished the picture in five days of shooting. All of the interiors are Roger's (with the exception of Francis's witch's lair), and most of the exteriors are mine. To the best of my recollection, and contrary to legend, Jack Nicholson did not direct any of the film.
杰夫(Jonathan Tucker 饰)和艾米(Jena Malone 饰)、艾瑞克(Shawn Ashmore 饰)和斯黛西(Laura Ramsey 饰)这两对从美国来到墨西哥的小情侣,正准备享受他们难得的假期。他们在泳池邂逅了来自德国的马蒂亚斯(Joe Anderson 饰)及其希腊朋友迪米特里(Dimitri Baveas 饰)。马蒂亚斯此行为了寻找其失踪的弟弟,他邀请艾米等人一同前往。无所顾忌的青年们一心追求刺激,欣然同意。 他们租车来到墨西哥一片荒凉所在,在当地神秘而古老的废墟中,无尽的恐怖正悄悄向他们逼近…… 本片改编自美国作家司各特•史密斯的小说《废墟》。
杰西卡·罗德 伊瑟尔·布罗萨德 露比·莫迪恩 苏拉·沙玛 史蒂夫·齐西斯 瑞秋·马休斯 查尔斯·艾特肯 莎拉·亚金 凯莱布·斯比尔亚兹 吉吉·埃内塔 劳拉·克利夫顿 温迪·米克洛维奇 凯勒布·拿奎恩 肯尼斯·以色列 泰内娅·因崔亚戈 布莱恩·克恩 川川 卡瑞尔拉·史密斯 罗布·梅洛 林赛·G·史密斯 飞·武 莎拉·贝纳尼 杰奎琳·哈里斯·马瑟恩 西尔维娅·格雷丝·克里姆 拉姆齐·安德森
停靠在路边的汽车内,黄毛小子瑞恩(飞·武 Phi Vu 饰)被其他汽车的喇叭惊醒,他昏头昏脑走下来,一路晃进校园,进了实验室。由于正在研究的装置耗能巨大,学院院长气急败坏责令瑞恩停掉在研项目。糟糕的事不止于此,事后不久他就被一个带着面具的家伙给杀掉了。然而,他再度醒来, 发现自己还躺在车里,而接下来发生的一切都和“梦境”中的一样。瑞恩惶恐不安,找到了好基友卡特·戴维斯(伊瑟尔·布罗萨德 Israel Broussard 饰)及其女友泰莉·格尔布曼(杰西卡·罗德 Jessica Rothe 饰)。 这种生死轮回对于泰莉再熟悉不过了,她首先跟瑞恩讲述自己的经历,随后告诉他想终止轮回的方法只有找到凶手。而接下来,他们不仅发现瑞恩那台装置似乎是造成轮回的一个成因,而且泰莉再次回到了那个可怕的早晨……
米娜·苏瓦丽 凯文·波拉克 乔恩·亚伯拉罕斯 梅根·维斯特 安娜丽莎·科克伦 格雷森·拉塞尔 安东尼·斯诺 克里斯托弗·迈克尔·霍利 Renny Grames 马修·巴恩斯 Jason Woods Trace Talbot Marie Finch Simon Lathrop Mikaela Gilden John Demakas
冰冷血腥、精密恐怖的立方体外部,埃瑞克·韦恩(扎卡里·贝内特 Zachary Bennett 饰)和多德(戴维·哈本德 David Huband 饰)两名看守者百无聊赖应否手头的工作,偶尔一瞥屏幕中受困者的行动。这一次,美丽干练的妈妈卡珊德拉•瑞恩斯(史蒂芬·穆尔 Stephanie Moore 饰)和女儿安娜在林间遭到袭击。当她醒来时,发现自己丧失部分记忆,身处一个隔绝密闭的空间。她好不容易找到另外四名受困的陌生人,并和他们策划逃脱,谁知设施内杀机四伏,稍不留意便会毙命。另一边,埃瑞克对受困者渐渐产生同情,他似乎试图破坏这座充满阴谋的杀人机器…… 本片荣获2004年纽约恐怖电影节最佳特效奖、2004年尖叫电影节最佳化妆和最佳特效奖。
异种女子夏娃(娜塔莎·亨斯特里奇 Natasha Henstridge 饰)引起巨大的混乱,她的死并未终结,而是新的噩梦的开始。她在临死之际产下一个婴儿,研究微生物的阿波特博士(罗伯特·尼伯 Robert Knepper 饰)冒死将婴儿救下。这个名叫莎拉(桑妮·马布里 Sunny Mabrey 饰)生长迅速,平均每天长6寸,体内的基因比塞尔和夏娃更佳完善。阿波特全力研究莎拉基因的秘密,他找到学生迪恩(罗宾·杜恩斯 Robin Dunne 饰)协助他的工作,并希望凭借这项研究获得诺贝尔奖。但是这注定是一项危险的实验,莎拉的本能不可避免苏醒过来,新的危机再次袭来…… 本片荣获2005年DVD Exclusive最佳摄影奖。
过度执迷工作以致神经衰弱的保罗(Ezra Godden 饰)经常为一个恐怖美人鱼的噩梦所困扰,为缓解压力,他随女友芭芭拉(Raquel Meroño 饰)以及好友豪尔(Brendan Price 饰)、维琪(Birgit Bofarull 饰)乘游艇来到西班牙度假。 在海上,他们听到附近印波加小岛传来的神秘歌声,随后一场特大暴风雨袭来,游艇触礁,维琪受伤。保罗和女友乘救生筏前去小岛求救,而留守的豪尔与维琪却遭到不明生物的袭击。保罗他们在岛上见到身体怪异的居民,为营救好友他们被迫分开,而噩梦就此开始……
里克·莫拉尼斯 艾伦·格里尼 文森特·加迪尼亚 史蒂夫·马丁 蒂琪娜·阿诺 提莎·坎贝尔-马丁 列维·斯塔布斯 詹姆斯·贝鲁什 约翰·坎迪 克里斯托弗·格斯特 比尔·默瑞 斯坦·琼斯 比特丽丝·里丁 阿兰·提尔文 约翰·斯科特·马丁 丹尼·坎宁安 丹尼·约翰-儒勒 米尔德丽德·谢伊 凯文·斯科特 保罗·雷诺兹 米瑞安·玛格莱斯
主角西摩在一個日全蝕的下午,向一個中國商人買了一株怪異的植物,西姆爾暗戀同事奧黛麗,所以取名「奧黛麗二世」。 奧黛麗其實也喜歡西摩,但是自認為配不上他,甘心忍受牙醫男友的百般虐待。西摩發現「奧黛麗二世」吸血的祕密,更駭人的是「奧黛麗二世」會講話,它慫恿西摩去殺牙醫來餵他,但是西摩並沒動手,牙醫就因為吸了太多筒子裡的「笑氣」而自斃。 發現祕密的穆希尼先生想趁機威脅西摩讓出「奧黛麗二世」,自己獨享收益,結果反而落入「奧黛麗二世」的口中。 西摩想解決掉這株怪物,它卻挾持了奧黛麗,最後西摩鼓起勇氣單挑「奧黛麗二世」,並且用電擊殺死了這株飲血植物。
詹姆斯·诺顿 杰玛·阿特登 萨拉·古德伯格 沙扎德·拉蒂夫 弗雷娅·梅弗 吉米·耶肯博拉 朱利安·巴拉特 玛瑞萨·阿贝拉 埃德温娜·芬德利·迪克森 迈克尔·芬顿·史蒂文斯 Chris Wilson Lin Gallagher Charlotte Avery 菲利普·瑞特 罗布·马龙 卢克·皮埃尔
该片故事改编自布朗纳撰写的文章《追踪弗雷 加德特工》(Chasing Agent Freegard),讲述一桩真实发生的故事,职业骗子罗伯特·弗雷加德(诺顿饰)是个操纵人心的高手,他让无数受害者相信他是军情五处的卧底,以此敲诈和绑架他们。阿特登所饰的角色最初为他的魅力所倾倒,后来成为了弗雷加德垮台的关键人物,她的行动导致他被定罪和逮捕。
Quinn, A Painter Bartender wakes up one morning with a gun in his hand his girlfriend dead on the floor... He has 2 different choices he can make, each with their own set of consequences... Either call 911 and clean this mess up or don't call anybody and clean it up himself... Only problem is in his state of mind he can't tell which one is right which is wrong!
凯蒂·布兰德 Lee Latchford-Evans 罗伯特·波特尔 Nicholas Vince 伊恩·维果 Cheryl Burniston Lockhart Ogilvie Brendan Carr Natasha Killip Nathan Clough Joe Hallett Aoife Smyth 瑞安·温斯利 Tony Banham Paul Holbrook
Old school friends go on a paintball trip, miles away from civilization. Things go horribly wrong when they discover a cold-blooded masked killer moxia.cc is among them. Now they must fight to survive their school reunion.
精神病学家卡拉(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)不相信存在多重人格症,她父亲(杰弗里·迪马恩 Jeffrey DeMunn 饰)却让她诊断一个多重人格的奇怪病例。病人大卫(乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯 Jonathan Rhys Meyers 饰)性格温和,但在接到电话后瞬间就变为个性彪悍的亚当。百思不得其解的卡拉驱车前往人格大卫的故居,得知真正的大卫多年前就已然死于一起诡异的谋杀。卡拉急迫地想找出亚当与大卫的关联,却同时发现自己的同事离奇死亡,尸体背上也出现了与亚当大卫背上相似的十字架。看似简单的医学病例瞬间被笼罩上了灵异世界的阴影,就连卡拉的父亲都难逃诅咒。这其中的真相究竟是什么呢?