这部历史剧展示了1897年萨拉加希之战。本片的重点是伊沙·辛格士官。他在当时的印度阿富汗边界开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦的沙门山脉的三个要塞之一驻守。因违抗上司命令从宗教分子手中拯救了一名阿富汗姑娘,因而被调到作为信息中转站的萨拉加希要塞。 而阿富汗宗教分子便利用这个借口,想一举夺下三个要塞。而首先进攻的就是作为中转站的萨拉加希要塞。伊沙·辛格士官率领21名锡克教徒组成的排抗击超过1万阿富汗的侵略军,浴血奋战,硬生生地拖延了阿富汗的侵略军的进攻步伐,从而破灭了阿富汗的侵略军一举夺下三个要塞的阴谋,可是,21名勇士全部罹难,壮烈牺牲。这次活动被认为是历史上最伟大的背水一战。
一群无薪的建筑工人们出海去异国寻找更好的生活,却一夜之间在海上消失了,被他们留在达喀尔的女人们则饱受莫名高烧之苦。17 岁的艾达私下为爱人苏雷曼(去世的工人之一)而哀悼,但是她已经被许配给另一个男人。她的新婚之夜发生了一场大火,随后一名年轻的警察被派去调查案情。但他不知道的是,这些愤愤不平的工人们回来了,而且已经变成了阴魂不散的、占有欲极强的幽灵。他们中的许多人都是为自己的不公待遇报仇,而苏雷曼却是出于不同的目的,他想要见艾达最后一面。
Ilya Goryunov has spent seven years in prison on false charges of drug trafficking. When Ilya is free he realizes that the old life that he yearned for is no more. Although he did not m.77mi.cc intend to take revenge on the man who sent him to prison, now there is no other way out.
阿拉斯·布鲁特·伊涅姆利 妮莎·索菲亚·阿克松古尔 德尼兹·贝萨尔 塞利尔·托扬·乌伊萨尔 伊尔卡·阿克苏穆 梅苏特·阿库斯塔 约达尔.奥库尔 萨尔普·阿克卡亚 Yildiray Sahinler Deniz Celiloglu Gulcin Kultur Sahin Ferit Kaya Cankat Aydos Hayal Köseoglu Dogukan Polat
梅莫(阿拉斯·布鲁特·伊涅姆利 Aras Bulut Iynemli 饰)虽然生得人高马大,但却只有相当于6岁孩童一般的智慧,他带着女儿奥瓦(妮莎·索菲亚·阿克松古尔 Nisa Sofiya Aksongur 饰),同奶奶法蒂玛(塞利尔·托扬·乌伊萨尔 Celile Toyon Uysal 饰)生活在一起,日子虽然过得紧巴巴的,但一家人能够团聚就是最大的快乐。 哪知道某日祸从天降,连一只蚂蚁都不愿意踩死的梅莫,竟然背负上了莫须有的杀人罪名,被关进了七号牢房中,单纯的梅莫并不知道自己即将面临怎样悲惨的命运。在监狱里,梅莫很快就和他的狱友们成为了朋友,梅莫开朗乐观的性格感染了周围的每一个人,给他们带来了快乐和希望,为了回报梅莫,这些曾经“穷凶极恶”的罪人们决定用他们的性命为筹码,来实现梅莫一个希冀已久的愿望。
皮弗 托尼 雷纳托·卡朋特理 安吉莉卡·阿勒鲁佐 弗朗西斯科·贾马尔科 文森佐·费雷拉 弗兰兹·坎塔卢波 Roberta Caronia Chiara Vinci Marcello Rimi Santo D'Aleo Raffaele Sabato Vincenzo Catanzaro Toti Mancuso Mary Cipolla
马里奥·卡萨斯 露丝·迪亚斯 文森特·罗米洛 皮拉尔·戈麦斯 康斯薇洛·特鲁希略 马里奥拉·福恩特斯 莫雷诺·博尔哈 卡洛斯·巴登 纳塔利娅·德·莫利纳 Paulina Fenoy Mauricio Morales 莫娜·马丁内斯 Pablo Gómez-Pando Juan Carlos Villanueva Carlos Cabra Ramiro Alonso Mané Solano Salva Reina Mariola Ruiz Ricardo Fernández Blanco Juan Luis
Housefull 4 is an upcoming Indian comedy film directed by Farhad Samji, and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the banner of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. The film is the fourth installment of Housefull.[1][2] The second to be directed by Farhad Samji who also directed the third installment.[3] Nadiadwala claimed that the film will be the highest budgeted Indian comedy film.[4][5][6] The film is slated for a Diwali 2019 release.[7]
Caitlin Halderman Jefri Nichol Marsha Aruan Ciccio Manassero Susan Sameh Irsyadillah 米勒·可汗 Mike Lucock Cathy Natafitria Fakandi 汉娜·阿尔·拉希德 Salvita Decorte Rima Melati Adams
高中生潔西卡、班尼、迪安、艾瑞克和琳達,打算用手機拍攝他們的冒險經歷影片,只為了能在社群網站上獲得人氣。他們決定潛入一間有名的廢棄公寓,琳達說服管理員讓他們進去後,五人發現了一間被警用封鎖線圍起來的公寓,在好奇心驅使下他們闖入了公寓。 他們四處搜索,並在房間裡發現了一張老舊的牛皮紙,身為唯一看得懂牛皮紙上文字的人,琳達朗讀紙上咒語,一個神秘的入口突然出現…五人發現自己無意間打開了通往神秘世界的入口,不僅如此,還觸怒了守護入口的超自然生物⋯。一場變調的試膽大會,喚醒了驚悚的靈異殺機,現在他們心中只剩下對死亡的恐懼、與回家的渴望……
弗兰斯(里卡多·斯卡马乔 Riccardo Scamarcio 饰)是德高望重的副警长,再过几年,他将会顺理成章的坐上警长的交椅。一天深夜,因为某些陈年往事,弗兰斯决定去会一会自己的老朋友——法官吉欧(阿莱西奥·博尼 Alessio Boni 饰)。两人的会面并不愉快。 第二天,一个令弗兰斯感到震惊的消息传来,吉欧的尸体被人发现了,死因是头部中枪。在吉欧的房间里,只找到了弗兰斯一人的指纹,不仅如此,弗兰斯应该是吉欧死前见过的最后一个人了。种种线索都指向了弗兰斯,控诉着他就是那个凶残的杀人凶手,只有弗兰斯自己明白,他是清白的。
阿尤斯曼·库拉纳 努西拉特·巴努查 安努·卡波尔 维贾伊·拉齐 Manjot Singh Abhishek Banerjee Raj Bhansali Nidhi Bisht 拉杰什·沙玛 Neela Mulherkar Neha Saraf Vedika Bhandari Amjad Qureshi Shashi Ranjan Rohit Tiwari
卡拉姆(阿尤斯曼•库拉纳Ayushmann Khurrana 饰)出生在一个贫穷的家庭之中,他的父亲经营着一家棺材铺子,生意非常的惨淡,这导致他欠下了巨额的债务。长大后的卡拉姆渐渐理解了家里困难的情况,他有一项绝技,就是模仿女人说话。利用自己的这项绝技,卡拉姆在电话交友中心里找到了一份工作,他化名为普加,用他“甜美”的声音陪男客人聊天。 心思细腻的卡拉姆在电话交友中心里非常的受客户的欢迎,甚至有很多人指名道姓要照顾他的生意,在和这些人交流的过程里,卡拉姆见识到了人间百态。随着时间的推移,卡拉姆发现,自己身为男性的这个秘密,很快就要保守不住了。
Sortir de l’atelier et peindre la nature telle qu’elle se présente à nous c’est ainsi que l’on peut résumer l’impressionnisme. Son plus célèbre représentant, Claude Monet, a de tout temps cherché à rompre avec l’académisme au profit d’une approche novatrice. Ce documentaire met en lumière des lieux qui ont inspiré le peintre, de la gare Saint-Lazare à Argenteuil en passant par Giverny et Rouen. Le musée Barberini de Potsdam, qui consacre au peintre français une rétrospective à partir du 22 février 2020, a choisi de refléter l'importance cruciale que les différents lieux de sa vie ont revêtu dans son œuvre. Au départ de Paris et de la gare Saint-Lazare, on découvre ainsi sa vision d'Argenteuil, avant d’explorer Rouen – dont la cathédrale doit très certainement sa renommée mondiale à l'artiste –, puis Giverny, son jardin et ses nymphéas, qui furent le principal objet de son travail durant de longues années. Biographes, historiens de l’art, photographes et admirateurs apportent tour à tour un éclairage précis et actuel sur la relation passionnée du peintre à la nature, à ses motifs et à ses jeux de lumière.
尼娜·霍斯 穆拉桑·木苏鲁 雅娜·梅里诺娃 丹妮拉·霍尔茨 塞巴斯蒂安·鲁道夫 萨米娅·坎克林 索菲·普芬尼斯托夫 Christoph Jacobi Katerina Lipovska Katinka Auberger Dimitar Banenkin Ryan Rafferr Justine Hirschfeld Adelia-Constance Ocleppo
取材传统民间习俗轶事。民间信仰中,为求幼童平安长大,会祭拜鸟仔婆,也就是俗称的床母,并在床上进行焚香祭拜;由于祭拜位置一点,常会吸引孤魂与地缚灵抢 食香火,顶替神祗。 由于女儿向来不爱与人交谈,有轻微的自闭倾向,父亲求神问卜后,开始侍奉民间家神-鸟,由于父亲接下新工作,全家人搬离大都市,住进乡村的豪华宅院里。 仔婆,俗称床母,保佑幼童不哭不闹,安稳长大。 女儿症状逐渐好转,原本情绪化的女儿,变得乖巧可爱,母亲感觉到成为完美母亲的骄傲。但女儿却开始彻夜不眠,与新认识的好友每晚玩游戏;但屋里,除了夫妻与女儿 外,再也没有第四人进来过,这位神秘的新玩伴竟是...
叶莲娜·利亚多娃 弗拉季米尔·弗多维琴科夫 Evgeniy Tsyganov 安娜·乌克洛娃 罗扎·哈伊鲁林娜 Mikhail Safronov Sevastian Bugaev Konstantin Topolaga
在儿子离奇失踪四年后,一对夫妇决定收养一名小男孩,这名小男孩刚从一间因火灾而烧毁的孤儿院中幸存。随着男孩渐长,越发神似他们失去的儿子,个性也变得诡异与暴戾,甚至开始攻击同龄小孩。尽管母亲认为这名男孩就是他们失去的儿子,但父亲深信儿子早已死去。 母亲再度怀孕,兴奋地准备迎接新生儿,被领养的男孩感觉自己遭受冷落,便开始攻击尚未出世的孩子。另方面,父亲意外发现原来当初让孤儿院深陷危机的人就是这名男孩。 ...
布莱特妮·布里斯托 Edda Björgvinsdóttir Kolbeinn Arnbjörnsson 约翰·瑞斯-戴维斯 Inga Maria Eyjolfsdottir Rúnar Freyr Gíslason 阿特利·奧斯卡·法奈森 Erla Ruth Harðardóttir þórður Bogason Bryndis Petra Bragadóttir Friðgeir Guðjónsson Rósalind Audrey H. Jónsdóttir Gabríel Aleksander Á
A company of friends rises in the funicular to meet unforgettably New Year's Eve on the top of the mountain. The guys are already anticipating how they will cheerfully slide down to the beat of the chimes and explosions of fireworks. But the adventure turns into a real nightmare, when in the midst of the holiday a flimsy trailer gets stuck over the precipice.
阿曼达·罗尔斯 Angga Yunanda Teuku Ryzki Arya Vasco Naomi Paulinda 尤妮可·普丽西拉 Verdi Solaiman Dayu Wijanto 桑娅·艾莉莎·苏里亚蒂 Abarrane Issabeau Nicolea Anstee Djihan Ranti Larasati
每所學校都有自己的恐怖傳說,在這裡,若聽到了詭異聲音,千萬別回頭…。這所明星學校培育出無數菁英學生,卻有著極不合理的學長學弟制陋習,一年級新生被迫以「奴隸」身分生活,永遠只有被稱為「國王」學長姐霸凌的份。飽受欺凌的高一新生艾力克斯(安格尤納達 飾),只有跟同年的美琪(阿曼達蘿爾思 飾)相處時,才能稍獲喘息。然而,有天艾力克斯被學長姐強迫用筆仙召喚傳說中的鬼魂,卻引來神秘詛咒,學生們一個接一個離奇喪命,校園一夕之間成了駭人地獄…
A challenging thriller that tackels gender issues. Four friends spend a hot summer afternoon at an abondoned quarry. They enjoy bathing in the lake and soaking up the sun. However, a dispute ensues and the tension rises as they find themselves trapped.
In 1919 South America, a landowner's wife is desperate for a child of her own, having suffered through multiple miscarriages. She finds hope, however, in a seemingly outlandish plan She'll pray to a mythical deity to resurrect her stillborn son. The plan works, but with the child comes something else, something evil.
Yu Duong Xuan Hiep Nguyen Mai Bich Tram 翘贞 Tong Yen Nhi Neko Bao Tien Truong Dieu Ngoc Truong Vu Quynh Mai Huynh Tu Uyen Bao Loc
Thang Máy là câu chuyện kỳ bí xảy ra với những cô gái trẻ khi đi Thang Máy một mình. Mọi chuyện bắt đầu khi Jina đột nhiên mất tích sau khi livestream trong thang máy. Sự cố này gây ra nỗi sợ hãi tâm lý trong tâm trí Trang đến mức cô bị ám ảnh không thể bước vào thang máy ở bất cứ đâu. Cho đến khi người bạn thứ hai - Ngọc - cũng mất tích khi đang livestream trong chính cái thang máy của khu bệnh viện cũ kỹ.
Waking up after giving birth, Mayang gets the news unlike what she expects from Reza, her husband their first baby has died. Both of them are experiencing tremendous depression. Mayang can not accept it. Everyone at the hospital is sure that she is hallucinating. She contacts the police to look for a bright spot in this strange case. Dr. Vera who helped her give birth, provides evidence the document of her baby's death with several photographs of the incident. Mayang who chooses not to give up begins to be considered crazy by some people in the hospital, including her own husband. Moreover, she feels to be followed by a spirit.
阿迪妮·威拉丝缇 Dion Wiyoko Nova Eliza Rendra Bagus Pamungkas Annisa Hertami Dian Sidik 尤妮可·普丽西拉 马斯亚斯·穆胡斯 Stefhani Zamora Husen Arnold Leonard Landung Simatupang Bimasena Prisai Susilo Angelia Livie Shofia Shireen Djenar Maesa Ayu
Edwin and Netta with their two children, Adam and Sekar going to Netta's hometown at Temanggung. Netta were suspected as the cause of Lampor terror at her hometown, a demon who bring a flying casket.
皮特·蓝萨尼 Ailén Mazioni 达迪·布列瓦 Fabio Alberti Lucas Pose Mariano Azcurra Fabíán Spitaleri Silvina Katz Bernardo Morico Ricardo Comes Carolina Costas Irina Matozza Alejo Ramírez Borella 阿里埃尔·查瓦里亚 Noelia Castaño
平凡不过的邻区街道上,一台再正常不过的四轮驱动房车,一个男人轻松地撬开门锁而入,大肆搜刮了车内任何值钱的东西,当他打算满载而出时,突然发现整台车的车门全都反锁死,且用尽力气也无法敲破车窗,身经百战的他,此刻却深陷牢不可攻的密室里,然而这时,车内通话突然响起,「你好,欢迎上车…」男子这才发现自己掉入了车主所设下的陷阱,他要如何全身而退呢? 《4x4危机四伏》是一部全新形态的惊悚冒险悬疑电影,电影不只在票房上有亮眼的成绩,吸睛的题材甚至引起各国争相购买此片翻拍权利,甚至连《进击的鼓手》制作人在看完后,都表达对这部片拍成美版有高度的兴趣。而它也不仅仅是一部娱乐片,导演透过影片传达关于群众暴力、人性的执着与贪婪,都是期待开启观众对话的钥匙,希望能够影响并感染到整个年轻世代。
'In Vitro' is an otherworldly rumination on memory, history, place and identity. Set in Bethlehem decades after an ecological-disaster, the dying founder of a subterranean orchard is engaged in a dialogue with her young successor, who was born underground and has never seen the town she's destined to replant and repopulate. Inherited trauma, exile and collective memory are central themes.
格里戈(米洛斯·比柯维奇 Milos Bikovic 饰)是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,从小就过着娇生惯养、养尊处优的日子,在蜜糖罐里泡大的格里戈自然培养出了蛮横娇纵不学无术的摆烂个性,并且因为他的横行霸道,惹出了种种的麻烦要他老爸给他擦屁股。终于,在又一次闯祸之后,格里戈的老爸忍无可忍,他决定好好的教育一下自己的儿子。 格里戈的老爸和他的好友——一位精神病学家一起盘下了一座废弃多年的村庄,将它重新修整成为了19世纪的模样,之后,两人策划了一场车祸,当格里戈从昏迷中醒来后,震惊的发现自己“穿越”回了19世纪,成为了当时的一位有钱人家的奴隶。
彼得·科特拉尔 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 哈威·凯特尔 巴里·佩珀 朱利安·山德斯 乌多·基尔 阿列克谢·克拉夫琴科 提姆·卡尔克霍夫 Jitka Cvancarová Antonín Masek Petr Vanek Pavel Kríz Denisa Pfauserová Irena Máchová 莱赫·德布里克 彼得·斯塔赫 Radim Fiala Milan Simácek
丽娃·克里马洛夫斯基 马里纳斯·霍曼 卡拉·朱里 奥利弗·马苏奇 尤斯图斯·冯·多赫纳尼 乌苏拉·温纳 安妮·贝南特 安德烈·谢曼斯基 安妮·薛弗 拉斐尔·寇索里斯 本杰明·萨德勒 安德烈亚斯·马蒂 Raban Bieling Risch Flurin Alexander Meisser Noah Luisa-Céline Gaffron Hannah Kampichler Peter Bantli Held Alina Knight Emma Rahel Hubacher
Meek farmhand Sasha and policeman Dima have a fraught relationship. They’re brothers-in-law, travel companions, and—secretly—lovers. Over the course of their journey to visit Sasha’s grandmother, unspoken truths are uttered, intimacy is built, and authenticity is challenged. Although they may be far from the peering eyes of their oppressive society, their relationship teeters on a dangerous precipice. Selected and supported by the IFP Filmmaker Lab and destined to evoke both the breathtaking landscapes of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and the tragedy of a Dostoevsky novel, Viatcheslav Kopturevskiy’s auspicious debut drama is an elliptical and much-needed examination of internalized homophobia, repression, and identity in a remote Siberian town.
Based upon the music by legendary Swedish artist Tomas Ledin, En del av mitt hjärta is a musical drama about Isabella, a driven business woman and a real hot shot within the Stockholm finance world. When she returns to her small hometown to celebrate her father's 60th birthday she feels like a winner compared to her old classmates, being the only one who actually made something of herself. Isabella's confidence is shaken when she realizes that Simon, her big teenage crush, is marrying her childhood friend Molly and that she isn't even invited to the wedding. Isabella is used to getting what she wants, and seeing Simon so happy with somebody else bothers her. A part of her heart will always beat for Simon
安德莉亚·巴伦·郝威格 斯特兰·斯卡斯加德 艾丽·瑞亚侬·穆勒·奥斯本 Alfred Vatne 斯泰纳尔·克鲁曼·哈勒 Daniel Storm Forthun Sandbye Eirik Hallert Dina Enoksen Elvehaug Einar Økland Gjertrud L. Jynge Alexander Mørk Eidem 乔安娜斯·乔内尔 Kristin Voss Hestvold Terje Auli Ingrid Bugge
A couple with a large blended family has grown apart. When the wife is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, their life breaks down and exposes neglected love.
Claudia and Maria, roam the streets of the city of Guatemala. Claudia works at a call center and is uninterested in the world around her. She lives with her activist grandfather, who tries to persuade her to join his cause. Maria unlike Claudia, is more spontaneous and lives with her mother in the outskirts of the city. The chaotic streets are filled with common stories of abuse, unforgiving police officers, and charming secret corners. Everything changes one night when they are attacked by three men. Although they manage to escape, Claudia is faced with the dilemma of choosing revenge or listening to her grandfather’s advice.
一名电玩设计师的住家附近发生了一连串的命案 患有创伤后压力症候群的她必须面对自己的心魔,否则恐将成为另一个凶案的亡魂...
拉妮·玛克赫吉 Vishal Jethwa Sunny Hinduja 基舒·森古普多 Shruti Bapna Vikram Singh Chauhan 拉杰什·沙玛 Kirti Choudhary Deepika Amin Avneet Kaur 皮拉桑纳·凯特卡尔 Richa Meena Garima Jain K.C. Shankar Komal Chhabria Mahendra Shrivas
Shivani Shivaji Roy is back and this time she's on the trail of a 21 year old merciless villain who targets women.
斯特凡、茱莉亚和托比亚斯这三个兄弟姐妹过着舒适的中产阶级生活。从表面上看,他们做得很好,但所有三个人都越来越意识到他们的生活中存在着差距,有些事情不对劲,有些事情必须改变。41岁的斯特凡是一位成功的飞行员,一位真正的女士;到目前为止,他一直过着无忧无虑的享乐主义者的生活。但是突然之间,他的健康状况就不复存在了;而且,与他在早先的一桩婚外情中所生的女儿维姬的一次邂逅使他偏离了轨道。44岁的茱莉亚和丈夫在意大利度假时,开始照顾一只被车撞的街头狗。突然,她儿子去世的痛苦追上了她。34岁的托比亚斯嫁给了一位职业女性。他一直在照顾他们的三个孩子,似乎无法完成学业;现在他的兄弟姐妹决定他也应该照顾他们生病的父亲。 爱德华·伯杰的电影描绘了三个人寻找幸福和内心平静。由于这三个集中的性格研究,形象出现了一个不安全的一代在一个快速变化的世界。 The three siblings Stefan, Julia and Tobias lead comfortable middle-class lives. Outwardly, they are doing well, but all three are becoming more and more aware that there are gaps in their lives, that something is not right, and that something has to change. Stefan, 41, is a successful pilot and a real ladies man; up to now he has always led the life of a carefree hedonist. But suddenly his health will not play along anymore; moreover, an encounter with his daughter Vicky, whom he fathered in an earlier affair, throws him off course. While holidaying in Italy with her husband, Julia, 44, begins taking care of a street dog that’s been hit by a car. All of a sudden the pain of her son’s death catches up with her. Tobias, 34, is married to a career-orientated woman. He has been taking care of their three children and cannot seem to finish his studies; now his siblings have decided that he should also take care of their sick father. Edward Berger’s film portrays three people in search of happiness and inner peace. As a result of these three concentrated character studies, the image emerges of an insecure generation in a rapidly changing world.