Boon-nyeo is a nice girl who works to pay off the debt her father left behind before he disappeared. The only light in her miserable life is Kang, the teacher at the house she keeps. Then one day, co-worker Myeong-joon confesses his love for her and goes after her body. However, she enjoys the intimacy of skin touching skin. She thinks about Myeong-joon’s hands but she’s not satisfied. In the end, she starts to seduce Man-gap, the richest man in the market, Cheon-soo, a man working for him and Kang who she has longed for so long…
1986年,黎巴嫩正经历一场内战,结果一名韩国外交官遭到绑架,从此下落不明。韩国方面调查无果,最终宣布该外交官已经去世。两年后,新人外交官敏俊(河正宇 饰)偶然接到一通神秘电话,通过专属的摩斯求救密码发现,来电人正是那名失踪已久的外交官。绑匪开出高额赎金,要求韩国方面带着现金当面交易。虽然遭到重重阻碍,但是曾经当过兵的敏俊凭借一腔热血,决定前往异国他乡营救同僚。由于事关敏感,一旦失败将带来不好的影响,难以收场,因此敏俊的营救只能是一场非官方行动。未久,敏俊通过多年在中东任职的经验,联络了当地中间人,谁知刚刚降落机场,便被黎巴嫩的军警盯上了,甚至连当地黑帮也参与进来。 营救行动由此变得困难重重……