与阿姨发生冲突的阿姨离婚了。 准备重返学校的相宇开始在姑姑家住在一起。 然后有一天,相宇遇到了一款名为Bongal TV的成人广播应用。 绰号“ BJ no is aunt”是一个肮脏的19岁阿姨,发现了阿姨的照片。 脸上盖有面具,但照片中清楚地显示了姨妈。 但是桑宇感到性欲,并怀疑他是否是一个变态。
Min-seok is captivated by Na-ri's beauty when they met by chance on the street. The new house in front is noisy and as he knocks on the door, Na-ri and Yeong-hee appears from within. Min-seok drinks with these two sister neighbors. Min-seok spends the night with Yeong-hee while drinking. Na-ri beings to misunderstand these two people and Min-seok confesses his fe...
A beautiful Chinese woman visits a quiet rural village. She will get married to Gil-soo, a divorced man she met at the church. Her outstanding appearance and yuankan.cc impeccable charms make Gil-soo rather uneasy, and suspicions that her Chinese wife will have something that is going to snowball. It leads to an uncontrollable obsession. The only thing allowed to Ran-ran, who w...
At first glance, it seems like an ordinary sports movie based on Kendo. Jaewoo, who joins the national team selection process, is treated as a soon-to-be eliminated player from the first day. However, IRON MASK does not simply follow the typical sports movie formula. It sets the tension high early on, by showcasing an intense confrontation between Jaewoo and the unbeatable top-...
素熙被母亲安排上补习课, 但她的心思根本没放在学习上,而是和她的导师贤九调情。 素熙向她的朋友美娜讲述了她的导师的故事,美娜对素熙的导师表现出兴趣,为了认识这个导师,美娜甚至不惜将她的男朋友承模介绍给素熙。直到有一天,美娜想到了一个好主意,打电话给素熙和贤九,想来一堂 2 对 1 的特殊补习课程...
本片根据朝鲜战争中的真人真事演绎而来。 1950年八月,朝鲜人民军攻克汉城,一路南下。韩国方面征召学生入伍,组成“学徒义勇军”顽强抵抗。学徒兵吴张帆(崔胜贤/T.O.P 饰)所在的部队被人民军连连击退,为补充兵员,数十名学徒兵加入战斗序列,其中包括父母被人民军杀害的不良 学生甲赵(权相宇 饰),这些学徒兵组成了一支71人的小队,由吴张帆担任队长率队防卫浦项,而韩国部队则转移至釜山之前最后的防线——洛东江。孤零零的学徒兵小队在一所废弃的学校中布防,他们将要面对的,是朝鲜人民军精锐的766部队,人民军少校朴武郎(车胜元 饰)为完成最高领袖的任务,下令向距离釜山更近的浦项进攻……
Nothing really looks what it really is when you look from a distance and so is Jinwoo’s quiet life, far from the hectic, stressful city life, tucked away in the beauty of the Korean countryside, welcomed with open arms by a loving new “family” that has accepted, on their sheep ranch, him and Seol, his wonderful niece who he loves as if she were his own daughter. But when Park K...
Na-mi and Sun-woo, who have been suffering from bullying and school violence throughout their school days, attempt suicide while their classmates go on a school trip. The story makes us anticipate unbearable tragedies, but the story of Hail to Hell is somehow lively and unpredictable. After the silly yet ridiculous suicide failure, the two try to take revenge on Chae-rin, who b...
万金在一场突如其来的事故中失去了知觉,睁开眼睛的那一刻,他发现自己被困在了一本书的未知空间里。 一个神秘的短发女孩接近万金。 她建议什么都不记得的万金写一本自传来寻找他失去的记忆,万金的第一个记忆开始于他与一个成熟女人的一场深刻性爱。
年轻拮据的吴在京(尹继尚 饰)连续参加了三年司法考试都未获通过,为了赚点儿生活费他在监狱找了份狱警的工作。可是从当狱警的第一天起就有罪犯开始欺负在京,这让在京不知所措。已经当了10年狱警的宗浩(赵在铉 饰)提醒他“动物不会欺负比自己更强的家伙”,并开始一步一步的教在京管理罪犯的方法。除此之外,狱警长(朴仁焕 饰)经常跟死刑犯聊天、下围棋,这也让在京倍感惊讶。 某一天,首尔监狱突然出现了一条大新闻。在过去12年里一直被废除的死刑,因为连环杀人犯张龙斗的案件而即将被恢复。几天后法务部的死刑执行命令书被发送到了首尔监狱,这在狱警中引发了轩然大波。宗浩主张死刑只是法律的一部分,愿意执行死刑,但除了他没有一个人愿意被安排到执行组。这时,死刑犯张龙斗试图自杀,而唯一拥有死刑执行经验的金狱警长则突然消失了。 这一天,自杀的张龙斗被抢救过来,和另一位将近70岁的死刑...
A chilling mystery thriller, blessed by stirring imagination and striking acting performances, especially by child actors. Among witty scares invented by the director herself, we get closer to untreatable true sins of the Catholic religion. Skilfully raised fantasies about exorcism, possession and resurrection slowly transform into breath-taking horror, which may not leave your...