智雄(宋仲基 饰)大学毕业后便整日游手好闲。某天他认识了从对面天台跳过来捡瓶子的怪女人红实(韩艺瑟 饰)。守财如命的红实盯上了智雄住所的搬迁费,她暗中找到智雄的房东,把租房合同改到自己名下,令智雄无家可归。看到对方依旧乐观的样子,受到触动的红实承诺帮助他在短期内攒到巨款。毫不知情的智雄对红实的“善心之举”怀抱感激。他开始学习无条件听从红实的命令,但是时常暴露的败家本性又总会惹恼红实。
红实虽然异常吝啬,内心深处却也有着女人的梦想。她把辛苦攒到的钱交给意中人(李相烨 饰)托管,期望有一天能成为配得上对方的好女人。却不料一日意中人与情人携款逃跑,令红实深受打击。而智雄也终于得知当初无家可归的内幕,感到被利用的他是否会原谅红实?
Kang Hyeon-joong, a former National Intelligence Service agent, is currently running a private investigator office after he quit his previous job. Han Mi-so is his secretary helping him with his daily tasks in the office. One day, Kim Jin-hee comes to the detective’s office and requests him to investigate all the women who follow her husband around. She introduces herself as wi...
Story follows four young men who have just turned 21 years of age. Lee Choo-Won (Seo Jun-Young) is an athlete who can not forget his past love. Ma Goo-Rim (Baek Sung-Hyun) was once a popular singer, but because of a drug scandal is mired in despair. Choi Seo-Won (Choi Tae-Hwan) is a medical student at prestigious Seoul National University, but he has leukemia. Sung Dae-Sung (By...