即将和方启宏(吴彦祖 饰)步入婚姻殿堂的程子欣(高圆圆 饰)幸福满满,她偶遇最崇拜的股市女强人杨鸯鸯(杨千嬅 饰),于是自我推荐加入了杨的公司。无巧不成书,张申然(古天乐 饰)的公司刚好在鸯鸯公司的对面,两人之前又因为某次邂逅成为男女朋友。性格大条豪爽的鸯鸯知道申然花心轻浮的行径,却只采取反向操作的措施,一心期望能成为申然最后一个女人。子欣的哥哥程子建(周渝民 饰)浪漫气息浓郁,他偶遇失落中的鸯鸯[展开全部]
Olga and Maks are 15 years away. She is a successful woman with an established position, the mother of an adult daughter, he is a handsome young man who enjoys his life in a handful and lives only in the moment. It might seem that these two different worlds will never meet, and yet fate put them in the way.
更多Olga and Maks are 15 years away. She is a successful woman with an established position, the mother of an adult daughter, he is a handsome young man who enjoys his life in a handful and lives only in the moment. It might seem that these two different worlds will never meet, and yet fate put them in the way.