故事发生在遥远的江户时代。飞贼権助(青木崇高 饰)悄悄潜入了公主樱姬(日南响子 饰)的房间,侵犯了未经人事的她。与此同时,一件价值连城的稀世珍宝下落不明,这似乎和権助的出现有着撇不开的关系。樱姬虽然身体承受了被撕裂的痛楚,却也忘不掉権助带给她的从未经历过的快感,她决定踏上旅途,寻找这个胆大包天的男人。 为了守株待兔,樱姬来到了妓寨,在经历了千难万险之后终于成为了寨中的头牌,権助也循着她的大名来[展开全部]
A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...
更多A pleasantly refreshing, exhilarating, comical sex erotic parody movie! 'Choon' the heroine with wacky and girly sensibility, lives with her best friend Ga-hee in her boyfriend's house, and is absorbed by three generations which struggles but eventually loses its goal. 'Choon' who couldn't shake off her worries about the future, happens to hide in a mansion by chance and plans ...